Friday, March 21, 2008

Thank God THIS Friday

As I was getting ready this morning, a question began banging around in my brain. The question is this: How in the world did this Friday - the Friday before Easter - the Friday Jesus was brutally beaten and killed - come to be called Good Friday?

I began to do a little research, but my research was inconclusive. Many speculate that the term Good Friday evolved over the years from the term "God's Friday," which originated in Germany. Others say that the word "Good" is just the simple adjective with which we are all familiar. Still others contest that we de-emphasize the word Good, and that the word "good" in the Biblical sense means "Holy" or "Righteous."

What's also interesting is that the term "Good Friday" isn't universal. That's understandable given the ironic name of the day we, are Christ followers, observe and memorialize as the day Jesus was unjustly killed.

In many Eastern European countries, it's known as "Great Friday." In other parts of the world - Spain, France, Italy, Japan (among others), today is known as "Holy Friday," which seems to be the most appropriate name in my book.
Other interesting terms for this day include Sad Friday (Arabic speaking countries), Friday of the Crucifixion (Ethiopia), Long Friday (Norwegian countries), and Day of Christ's Suffering (Chinese-speaking areas).

But, while the world does not have a common name for this day, it does recognize today as the day Jesus Christ went to the cross on our behalf.

Whether today is a Good day, Great day, Sad day, or Long day - I pray you pause to remember the love that was poured out for you on that monumental Friday nearly 2000 years ago. And, although his blood was spilled all those years ago, it continues to cover us today and forever.

And, if you have never begun that relationship with Jesus Christ, you have the opportunity to meet him today. I invite you to click
HERE and watch this video from Rick Warren, author of The Purpose-Driven Life, who explains what it means to follow Christ.

Happy Easter, everyone!

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