Many times we know what we are supposed to do. But, we delay. We procrastinate. We wait for circumstances to change so we can weasel our way out of something. God prompts us to do something, but we sit on our hands in hopes of Him changing His mind. I've learned, like many of you, that usually it's just best to go ahead and go for it. After all, God doesn't change His mind very often.
I was listening to a lady this afternoon explaining how she ended up signing up to take a mission trip to Mexico - the first mission trip she has ever signed up for! She said that for four consecutive weeks she circled the trip on the Sunday morning handout at church. She felt God tapping on her shoulder, but yet should wouldn't act.
Week after week she eye-balled the trip, and kept telling herself that she was going to go on the trip. Finally, after toiling over the decision for a month, and after losing countless nights of sleep, she went to the missions web page, completed the registration form and hit the submit button. In her own words, she said, "That night, I got the best night of sleep of my life. I didn't have to think about it anymore."
I'm sure she came to the same conclusion I have on these types of occasions: why delay and wrestle with a decision, when in the end, God knows what's best for you? If you choose NOT to be available for God, He will find someone who is available.
So, save yourself some heartache and sleep deprivation. Put your "YES" on the table for God and allow Him to use you in incredible ways! You'll be so glad that you did!
Pull the trigger.
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