Friday, August 31, 2007

Prime Family Time

Tomorrow is a BIG day for football fans across the country - opening day! (yeah, I know some games were played last night)

Each fall, Amy, the boys, and I head to Athens for several UGA football games. We already have so many fall activities planned - baseball for Chaz, a trip to Navarre Beach, and frequent meetings with our new Couples Community Group at NorthStar. But, nothing provides great family time like an all-day trip to Athens to see the Dawgs play!

We usually head over at the crack of dawn and set up shop (i.e. tailgating). We have the tent, the coolers, the chairs, the food. We have the temporary face tattoos, the pom-poms, the car magnets, the seat cushions. We go all out!

Many years we have wrestled with the decision of spending the money on tickets to the games - but we have continued to get them (and will continue to get them) because of the special time we all share many Saturdays each fall.

I can't wait for tomorrow - to spend the day with my favorite people - may family. Oh yeah - and to see the Dawgs start off the season 1-0.
Gooooooooooooooooooooooooo Dawgs! Sic 'em!


Russ Butcher said...

Hey man! Today is the day! You will probably not read this comment until tonight or tomorrow but by then the DAWGS will make "boys" out of the cowboys. There is nothing like Athens on a Saturday in the fall. As long as you are tithing to NorthStar, DAWG tickets are a "no-brainer" investment.
By the way, I loved the Mike Vick, "comeback" post. That was good stuff and it challenged me to think.
Have a great Saturday!


Titan Baseball said...

There are certainly better ways to spend your money than in the God-forsaken wilderness of Athens!!